What can you bring to a session
Depending on the type and length of session you may want to consider what to bring.
Depending on the type of session you are attending there are some things you might like to have along.
~For a Yoga or other interactive sessions like crystal cleanse, meditation and so forth here some things to bring.
A Yoga mat
A meditational cushion
A neck pillow
A bottle of water
A light throw or Baja
Your crystals if doing a cleanse and reset.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Socks or yoga slippers.
~For a open sessions targeting a particular malady like Tinnitus, E Smog or Chem Cleanses. Typically these are fairly short in duration, half hour to 1 1/2 hour.
A Book or magazine. A Sketchbook or doodles. A drink or snack. Puzzles or cards. Knitting or handiwork. Audio music or book. Something relaxing.